The best things in life are free

The best things in life are free…or are they?

Epona TV was launched in 2007. It was the one of the first subscription based video streaming service in the world.

And the platform Louise and Julie created is unique in that doesn’t just stream competition footage or carefully managed PR opportunities for equestrian wannabe celebrities.

From it’s inception, has looked critically and scientifically at every aspect of modern horse management, media and sport. And have reported factually, dispassionately, for the good of the horse.

The best things in life are free…except TV.

Breaking news….

The blue tongue photos?

Farewell Falsterbro?

The warm up at Aachen? Epona have also contributed huge amounts of positive information to our understanding of equines. They have reported on Ethology studies of feral horses, have shared Dr Carol’s fascinating work on the feeding habits of feral horses, who seem much healthier than their laminitis, stressed domesticated cousins, have shared Dr Bowker’s videos on hoof anatomy.

Since I discovered a few years ago, it has been my go to TV channel for interesting, accurate and fun video based horse content. The subscription was always well worth it.

I have questioned, agonised, cried, rejoiced, and even rejected- stimulating discussion is what good media seeks to achieve. It has amazed me what people find acceptable in managing their horses. And has led me to understand that to some people, and to some horses, the balance I have found between riding and husbandry may also be a step too far. I learned to check in with my horses more often, to read their bodies and their faces, and ask/ look for feedback from them- and that simple change in mindset has changed everything.

Thank you

And now, as of March 2018 it’s FREE!!

The best things in life are free…. now have generously opened up their content to the world! This is HUGE.

I’m sure this reflects our increasing need to educate ourselves and seek deeper understanding of these fabulous animals.

From the website

“As the years went by and the scandals piled up, we became increasingly aware that the problems faced by equestrian sport were not about a few rotten apples spoiling the barrel. The sport itself and its governing bodies were not at all interested in protecting horses.”

In Gallo-Romanian religion, Epona was a protector of horses, ponies, donkeys and mules.

Julie and Luise have worked very hard on behalf of their namesake. Their content is interesting, sometimes difficult to watch, may challenge our long held beliefs, but it is never stale or boring.

Horses need their humans to stand up for them, to protect them and in order to do that, we need to understand them. try to bridge that gap.

Have a look- you won’t regret it!

Because the best things in life are free…

Except horses…

but healthy, happy, sound horses are much cheaper.

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